Thanks for Donating to The Gotham Fund


Thanks for Donating Cash!

-  Visit now.

-  Mail checks to "Gotham Knights Rugby Football, Inc., PO Box 30353, New York, NY 10011.

-  Send Paypal or Zelle payments to to

-  Send Venmo payments to @gothamknights.

- Contact Toby Butterfield or Ted Perkins


Thanks for Donating Stock or Securities!

Transfer stocks, bonds, options or other securities to The Gotham Fund via your financial institution.  Gotham's  tax ID is 04-3631758.  And don't forget to check whether your employer matches your charitable donations.


Thanks for Remembering Gotham in your Will!

Please consider including The Gotham Fund in your will or living trust, so future generations can benefit after you are gone.  

Consider bequeathing or donating artwork, vehicles, physical assets or real estate interests.  (Assets may be sold to further invetment strategy.)

All donations are tax deductible under section 501(c)(3).